What is Skills To Foster?
Skills To Foster is a pre-approval fostering course. It is a course compulsory for all new applicants to take part in to prepare them for the challenges that come with fostering.
It covers the practical, day-to-day skills all foster carers need.
Skills To Foster is made up of 7 sessions. These sessions each have different subjects to cover. These include things like why children go into care, understanding difficult behaviours you may encounter, how to build a relationship with the child in your care, and activities for your birth children to take part in, if you have any - and should they wish to, of course!
There is an assessment at the end of the course to make sure you understand what you have learnt and are ready to take the next step to becoming a foster carer.
If you think you could be a foster carer, fill out our enquiry form below and start your fostering journey today.
* All our carers are paid above the
Fostering Network Payment Guidelines.
(Made to each fostering household with a child or young person living with them).