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Meet Chelsea, a former Futures For Children Looked-After-Child who grew up in foster care from a young age.
To be more precise she grew up within Futures For Children foster families, and we are proud to say she has gone on to achieve so much, not only for herself but also for the looked-after-children within the company.
Chelsea has kindly agreed to provide us with a valuable insight into the world of fostering; from the perspective of a looked-after-child.
Chelsea's experiences have not only helped Futures For Children to provide valuable information to those inquiring into the world of fostering but her personal experiences of foster care, within our company has also been beneficial to our very own fostering panel. Chelsea's assistance at panel has provided us with a new and unique viewpoint; presenting the company with unparalleled knowledge and expertise to ensure our children and young people's needs are taken into account at every opportunity within the fostering assessment process and onward.
Chelsea's story shines a light on the ability of all looked-after-children and how, with the right support, they can help build a better tomorrow for all looked-after-children and young people.
Could you provide a little background on yourself and how you are connected to Futures For Children?
No problem, my name is Chelsea, and I was taken into care at the age of 7 for
neglect and abuse. I was looked after by futures for children and many carers
that worked for the agency. I remained in care until the age of 18.
What is the most memorable moment from your time with Futures For Children?
My most positive memory from Futures For Children would have to be some of the
carers I was placed with. Looking back on my experience, I can tell the carers just wanted to make a positive impact.
Do you still have contact with anyone from Futures For Children?
Yes, I do. My first family, who looked after me. I lived with them for a total of six years; they were by far the best family I ever lived with. To this day I am still in contact with them and visit them up in Norfolk where she moved to.
To me, they are some of the closest family I have. Even now they always remain supportive of me and like and push me to achieve the best I can; in all areas of my life. I would say, that most of my morals and the way I present myself now is down to this beautiful family. I also remain in contact with a lovely lady call Polly, although I am not as close with her she was an excellent carer, and I would always recommend her to anyone.
What piece of advice would you give to anyone thinking of fostering?
The advice I would give is always to show unconditional love. Sometimes, even
though the journey may not always be a smooth one, the impact of showing you
care can mean the difference between what path the child will take.
How do you think your experience of fostering has positively shaped the person you're today?
I was lucky enough to have experienced some fantastic care. In a way, even though I was looked after by several families, I feel like have taken a little bit from everyone and feel this has and will continue to shape me as a person and a parent.
What advice would you give to a looked after a child that might be reading this interview?
I would advise them to take advantage of the care and support they will receive, and never be too scared to ask for what they want or need.
Is there anything we, Futures For Children, could have done better?
Not really no. The only thing I can think of is that more emphasis should be put on empowering young people by asking a child what they want and how they would like to be looked after. I know it's hard for an organisation to do this because of the number of children looked after by yourselves. But I feel that it is always something that foster carers, social workers and child's support network should strive for.
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